Number one - Spring is well and truly here.
They are right against the front fence and appear to be there for the taking. I think I need to befriend this neighbour and find a kick arse strawberry jam recipe. I might drop a note in their letterbox with my number saying if they aren't going to be picking them maybe we could come to an arrangement.
Later that day I got a copy of the SMH's monthly magazine 'the (Sydney) Magazine'. It is the special food issue and has a great article on the 50 things every Sydney food lover should try. I haven't done nearly enough of them and I need to fix that. I don't think I'll be able to get them all done before I leave (if I want to fit into my seat on the plane or still have enough money to be able to eat over there), but I surely I can check a few off over the upcoming long weekend!
Luckily, I got to check one off before the day was out!
Number 44 on the list - Eggnet with pork, prawn, peanuts, bean sprouts and sweet vinegar from Longrain.
That evening, I went to Longrain with a few girls and a couple of chefs from LCB.
Betel leaf topped with prawn, peanuts, roasted coconut and ginger.
Eggnet with pork, prawn, peanuts, bean sprouts and sweet vinegar (aka #44 on the list).

Stir fried squid and smoked speck with ginger blackbean snow peas and chilli.
Caramelised pork hock with five spice and chilli vinegar.
Being pastry students and chefs, we couldn't not have dessert. We shared the tasting plate (can't remember exactly, but it had a coconut tapioca, a pot of caramel, sticky rice with mango, watermelon sorbet, young coconut jelly and some sort of cake with peanut ice cream).
Everything (except the slightly snooty waitress) was great - as much as I liked #44, I thought the pork hock was the winner.